








Multiplayer Guidelines



Using Technologies






Final Note






















Thank you for downloading Kobayashi Maru the successor to the highly successful FBCMP. We hope that you will enjoy this project as must as we enjoyed working with it during construction and beta testing.


Kobayashi Maru is an enhancement to Star Trek: Bridge Commander, it brings many advanced features to both quickbattle and multiplayer to deliver to you a new and exciting experience.



New Ships: - Over 50 new/replaced vessels and stations have been added to Bridge Commander which guarantees a variety of game play…









New Scripts: - A collection of the best scripts available for BC have been combined together to work both in QB and many in MP.


Point Defense Phaser

Fleet Orders


Secondary Targeting

Quickbattle Replacement

Random Encounters

New AI

Advanced Scanning

Cloak Counter-Measures

Mine Launching

Tractor Beam Inversion

Shuttle Launching

Blind Fire Attack Mode

Core Ejection

MVAM Infinite

Cloak Firing

Advanced Technologies

Away Team

Key Foundation

BC Lost Dialogue





New Effects:-

NanoFX2 has been integrated into Kobayashi Maru and works both in QB and in MP games to deliver an immersive Bridge Commander experience. Experience amazing explosions, plasma leaks, in-warp battles, nova explosions as well as many more effects.


CA Enhancement Pack: Kobayashi Maru also features many elements from the upcoming CA Enhancement pack which includes improved weapons, backgrounds, starfields, systems, planets and many other enhancements.


New Systems: - A series of amazing new systems have been added for you to explore or wage war in. Including BanzaiZAP, ZMSystems, Multiplayer systems and much more…


New Bridges: - The best bridges out there for Bridge Commander have also been included in the project. Now you can wage war in your favorite ship complete with an extended list of bridges to utilize.


New Multiplayer: - FBCMP introduced an exciting new multiplayer mode which enables the use of AI ship. Turkey Shoot mode is once again included and this time has been tweaked to offer a more stable multiplayer experience. To further the multiplayer game, Kobayashi Maru allows the use of many advanced scripts, including blind fire, shuttle launching, thrusters and many more…Participate in battles beyond any other seen in multiplayer, wage war, evade incoming fire, employ tactics and survive…


*A Fresh/Unmodded copy of Bridge Commander installed,
*The Official 1.1 patch installed.
1)      Extract the contents of the archive into a temporary directory.
2)      Copy and Paste all the folders directly into your bridge commander directory.
3)      Overwrite files and folders when asked.
4)      Load BC.
5)      Turn on all desired mutators.
6)      Have fun!
Note: If you would like to participate in Multiplayer games, it is necessary to have a fast internet connection to ensure the game
 runs properly for yourself and others.
If you experience any problems, please consult the FAQ before contacting us.
Multiplayer Guidelines
This section is to guide players on how to reduce issues which you may encounter on Multiplayer games. As a note, these are not due to 
failures with Kobayashi Maru, but due to the general nature of Bridge Commander itself.
*Do not add a great deal of systems when hosting a game. Try to stick to 3 or 4 systems at max, and take into consideration that some systems 
contain multiple planets, nebulas, AI ships/stations or other items. We have found that it is better to make the starting system one devoid of spatial 
phenomenon or AI ships, such as SPACE or ASTEROIDS.
*Do not add large numbers of AI ships at a time. If you have a good computer you may not think twice about adding 20 federation vessels Vs 20 
Dominion ships, but doing such a thing is not recommended. It will cause lag for the game while each players computer attempts to load all of the 
models at once. During our beta tests there were a few instances when players actually left a game because they believed it had frozen, when in 
fact their computers were loading large numbers of AI ships.
*Do try to regulate a battle involving AI ships as opposed to starting a battle with large numbers of ships. This will ensure the game runs well for 
everyone. This is especially important with battles involving pulse weapons, as these are known to cause a great deal of lag on some computers.
*Try to reduce the use of mines for strategic purposes as opposed to quick and cheap ways of eliminating small enemy vessels. Mines are useful 
providing they are used effectively.
*Do not use large ships or detailed models during a large battle. (e.g. Excalibur) This can seriously affect a game depending on the amount of ships 
in game.
*Try not to abandon ship during battles which are suffering from lag as this will make the game worse, be considerate of other users.
*Do not transport onto a player controlled ship. In the event of such an occurrence, try to leave the player ship as soon as possible by transporting to 
an AI vessel or shuttle.
*Do not warp over and over as this can ruin a good game. If you need time to repair, warp to a system which you can hide within, or try to lose the 
enemy by warping to a system with many planets. This means a player must scan for your warp signature…
*Do not destroy a player ship during warp. The destroyed player will be forced to rejoin the game.
·         Do have fun while playing Kobayashi Maru online.
·         Consider the fun of others and be fair.
Using Technologies
A simply guide on the new technologies and how to use them:
-Engage Warp: Causes your ship to warp at high speeds within a system. Click once to enter in-system warp, click again to drop out of warp. 
-Surrender: Causes your ship to drop shields and de-activate weapons. Enemy ships will not attack you unless you fire upon them first. 
Click once to surrender your ship. (QB ONLY)
-Order: Allows you to order allied ships to perform a series of preset tasks. Select a task from either the fleet menu to order your entire fleet or 
ship menu to order a single ship. (QB & MP)
-Dock at Target: Causes your ship to dock at the selected target if it is possible. Click once to dock. (QB & MP)
-Send Distress Call: Causes your helm officer to send a distress signal. If an allied ship is within nearby they will warp to your position and offer 
assistance. If the signal is picked up by enemy ships in range they may warp to assist your enemy. Assistance is not always guaranteed. Click once to 
send the signal and then wait. (QB ONLY)
-Orbit Planet: Your ship will order a planet, or you can orbit your current target. Click to select. (QB & MP)
-Thrusters: Sets the speed of your thrusters which allows your ship additional movement. Click to select your thruster power and set your thruster 
controls from the main menu. (QB & MP)
-Tractor Modes: Allows your tractor beams to either Push, Pull, Tow or hold ships in which it is locked onto. Select the desired mode and activate 
tractor beams. (QB ONLY)
-Point Defense Phaser: Works only on the Nebula Classes and Sovereign. Your tactical officer will target incoming torpedoes with your ships phasers 
if he is able. Click once each time to activate “PDP”. (QB & MP)
-Single Phaser: Configures your ships phasers to fire either single phaser fire or multiple phaser fire. Click button once to activate single phasers (1) 
or click again to activate multiple phasers (0). (QB ONLY)
-Tractor Inversion: Use when your ship is locked in a tractor beam. This causes your own ship to generate an inverse pulse which is capable of 
damaging the other ships tractor beam and potentially freeing your ship. The success of this technology is not always guaranteed and requires time to 
re-charge. Click button when locked inside tractor beam. (QB & MP)
-Blind Fire: This causes your ship phasers to fire in any of the preset patterns and is able to reveal the location of cloaked ships upon successful impact 
for a short time. Impacting a cloaked ship will add an additional target to your list allowing you to target that location. In order you use this technology you
must select a firing pattern by clicking the desired button. You may also use the Mouse Pick function to manually target a particular area with phasers, 
torpedoes and pulse weapons if able. In order to exit blind fire mode you must click the Cease Fire button or press the desired key (if one is configured). 
(QB & MP)
-Secondary Targeting: Allows your ship to fire simultaneously on two targets with its weapons. Click the Take Second Target button to lock onto that 
particular target, then continue to fire on another target at the same time. Click clear target to return to standard target mode. (QB & MP)
-Phaser Intensity: Configures your phasers to fire high or low energy yields. Decreasing the intensity bar allows you to fire more pulse weapons if the 
ship is able.
-Self Destruct: Activates the ship self destruct sequence providing the controls are intact. Select a desired time if you require time to exit your ship then 
select the self destruct button. Press the button a second time to cancel the self destruct countdown. (QB & MP)
-Abandon Ship: Orders your crew to evacuate the ship allowing yourself and your crew to survive if your ship is critical. You will be transferred into an
 escape pod, giving you time to transport onto an allied ship in range. Select the abandon ship button and click yes to evacuate from your vessel. 
(QB & MP)
-Core Ejection: Federation vessels only. Ejects your ships warp core in an emergency and causes severe power loss to all major systems. 
Used when your warp core is heavily damaged or in tactical situations. Click the eject core button to release the warp core, or lock onto the core 
with a tractor beam to bring the core back to your ship. (QB ONLY)
-MVAM: Galaxy and Prometheus class only. Activates the “Multi-Vectoral Assault Mode” and causes your ship to separate into additional sections. 
This allows for additional firepower or evasive tactics. Select the section you wish to board then press the Separate button. If all sections are still intact
 you may reintegrate the ship by pressing the button. (QB ONLY)
-MP3 System: Plays music tracks located inside “scripts\Custom\mp3” folder. Activate by pressing the button and select desired tracks to play. 
-Interstellar Library: Opens the ships library console which contains detailed information about ships, systems and species. This library is extremely 
useful in learning additional information about your enemy as it may contain their strengths and weaknesses. Activate by pressing the library button and 
select the desired information section. (QB & MP)
-Scan Area: Causes your science officer to scan the area to acquire tactical data on any ships in range. It also allows you to detect recent warp 
signatures making it useful to follow ships through warp. Press the Scan Area button to activate the scan and in multiplayer select the scan window to 
display the results. (QB & MP)
-Launching: Ships fitted with a shuttle bay are able to deploy shuttles or mines if they are available. Open the “Player Selected” menu for additional 
*GET ON BOARD transfers you onto a shuttle immediately once you launch it. 
*GET TARGET allows you to launch your allied target shuttles if they are able.
*PLAYER returns your shuttle launching to normal so you do not board it.
In order a launch a mine you must cycle through available shuttles until you find the mine option, the launch it. DO NOT TRY TO BOARD MINES!!!
In order to return shuttles, select the desired shuttle and select “Return Shuttle”. The shuttle will then return to your shuttle bay if it is able. (QB & MP)
-Transport: Allows you to transport onto an allied vessel which is in range. Press the Transport button while targeting an allied ship within 50km to 
board that vessel. (QB & MP)
-Advanced Power Control: Allows you increased control over your power systems. Some systems will take damage if they are increased to 200%. 
Click the button to open the additional options. You may also save pre-set power configurations and load them using the configuration buttons. 
-Away Team: Transports an away team over to an enemy ship with shields down. The away team will attempt to gain control of the ship. The success 
of the away team depends upon the number of enemy crew onboard the vessel. You may also donate or rescue crew to/from an allied vessel if the ship 
requires it. Select the desired option and then click transfer to lower your ships shields and transport the away team. (QB ONLY)
-Mine Control: Allows a ship with a shuttle bay to deploy deadly Blast Mines. You are able to set a countdown for the mines in which they will 
detonate. Exploding mines will cause severe damage to any ships in range and pose a significant threat to small or weak vessels. Select the number of 
mines you wish to prepare and set a countdown time, mines can also be destroyed by weapon fire. You may deploy the mine using the shuttle launching 
function once the mine is ready. (QB & MP)
If you encounter any problems with Kobayashi Maru we ask that you do either of the following:
1)      Read the FAQ first incase your problem is already discussed. We have tried our best to anticipate any possible problem you may encounter 
but of course we cannot always win.
2)      Visit our forums here and report your problem in the feedback forum. 
If necessary and possible it might be best to provide a console report or screenshot.
Final Note:
There are many features within Kobayashi Maru, many of which you must find out for yourself. We worked extremely hard in perfecting this project 
and hope that you enjoy it as much as we have working on and testing it. We do plan on releasing a 1.0 patch to Kobayashi Maru to solve any issues 
which may arise in 0.9 and to possibly add additional features to the project. We would appreciate any feedback you can provide on all aspects of 
Kobayashi Maru.
Please visit our forums and tell us what you think in the feedback section. We welcome opinions and 
suggestions providing they are feasible. 
Have fun, and remember….
Only the brave survive…
We would like to thank all of the original authors who have allowed us to use their work within Kobayashi Maru. We made it a key point during the 
projects development to acquire permission for everything we have used, however in the event that we have forgotten to credit you for your work we 
deeply apologize.
Project Concept       – Defiant
Chief Engineer         – Defiant
Hardpoints               – Dragon, Cube, Shinzon (Special thanks to Unimatrix1 & Original Authors)
SFX                        – Dragon, Activision, Paramount (Special thanks to Zambie Zan)
Weapons                 – Defiant, Dragon, Cube (Special thanks to Original Authors)
Weapon Textures    – Dragon, Cube, CptBlue, Dkealt, Activision
Ship Icons               – Dragon (Special thanks to Brex)
TGL Descriptions    – Cube, Shinzon, Defiant, Dragon
General Assistance  – Harry, Dragon, Cube, Shinzon, Nebula
Beta Testing            – Shinzon, Nebula, Harry, Cube, Dragon, Merek, Resistance is Futile, Coldstone, Gunefire, Gamesfunk, Kold Baccula, CptBlue, 
			                    Project Avalanche, Gdluque, Zach
Additional AI           – Resistance is Futile
Opening Video         – Harry & Defiant
Loading Screen        – Dragon
Website                   – Harry
Advertising              – Gamesfunk, Harry, Dragon, Shinzon, Cube, Nebula, Zach
Special thanks to      – Dasher42, Sleight42, Nano, Sneaker, Mleo, Collective Alliance, Rick Knox, Starforce, Unimatrix1, MrJohn, Apollo, Queball, 
C2Extreme, Durandal, Admiral Ames, Banbury, LC Amaral, BanzaiZAP, Chris Jones, Jwattsjr, Viper, Edtheborg, Ignis, Makotokat, Seanabooth,,
Redragon, Cleeve, Kovk, BlackRook32, Elminster, USS Sovereign, Adonis, DamoclesX, USS Donoghue, USS Phoenix, RedHotChiliDog, BCmod Team, 
Lord Delekhan, The Marmoset, Scottpkeene, Longisland26, Nine of Nine, Zorg / Morpheus, FTB / Trekmods
Disclaimer: We accept no responsibility for any damage which may be done to you or your computer as a result of installing and playing Kobayashi Maru. 
The project underwent extensive testing prior to use and therefore should run well on almost all computers.
Star Trek is copyrighted to Paramount Viacom


1. Each Mod included in Kobayashi Maru comes with its own license. 

Please check the relevant readmes files in the doc/ folder. 

2. For all other Mods that have their own license: Contact their Author.

3. If you are unsure, contact us at 

4. You must contact us if you want to redistribute Kobayashi Maru, or any parts of it! 

- its for your own good 

5. If you wish to update or modify Kobayashi Maru in any way, we require that you contact us before doing so. 

6. If we, the Kobayashi Maru team and its successors one day die out, and you have been unable to contact us, then you are free to 
redistribute anything you want as long as correct credits are given.