--==Construct Mod v4==-- i think the latest version bevore this was 0.2 by Defiant --==Author==-- cnotsch Thx to: Defiant http://BCKobayashiMaru.de/ for all previous versions of the construct mod --==Description==-- Gives Objects (In most cases stations, i think) the abillity to construct new ships. --==Requirements==-- Kobayashi Maru 0.9 or any higher version (tested with v1.0) .NET Framework for the PluginCreator --==Installation==-- Copy the scripts folder into your BC-Root Directory (Default: Program Files\Activision\Bridge Commander\) If you want to use the included example install it the same way --==How to give a base the abillity to launch ships?==-- I've included a PluginCreator witch is well documented. This version is fully backwards compatible witch means you can use all of your plugins of version 0.2. --==Canges in v4==-- Fixed bugs with creating more docks per Base. Intelligent ship launching: you can specify at witch percentage of enemy presence in the set a ship will be launched. Protection Shield: Bases can create a protective shield around the ship being created. Force Start: You can force a ship to start immediately; if it has been repaired or not. Waypoint defined leaving route: Ships can fly complex routes while undocking. I think that was all. --==Bugs / ToDo==-- Ships being able to return to a base after a fight --- maybe sometime If there is anything please report it to me: . I'll fix it as soon as possible; --==Sorry for==-- Like I say it everytime I write a loger text in English: my bad Engish if it is THAT bad ;-)