DS9FX AGREEMENT _______________ This mod is not made or supported by Activision. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. We do not take any responsibility for any kind of damage this does to your computer. Use it at your own risk. Any kind of modification to DS9FX needs to be approved by BCS-TNG: model, sound replacements etc. We expect that if you borrow the code from DS9FX you shall ask BCS-TNG for permission to use that code in your project(s). ADDITIONAL INFO ABOUT THE MUSIC ______________________________ Music in DS9FX is used under permission from its author, the music itself is released under Creative Commons license: http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/faq.html and http://incompetech.com/m/c/royalty-free/licenses/