credits: Texture and model: Deemon ::::Do not modify!:::: Port-Ninja driver scripts: markallen testing & permissions Starforce2 The neghvar class is the ultimate klingon battlecruiser. Challenge: Try 2 galors and a keldon by nine of nine, and 2 bug fighters from democeles mod pack, see if you can win. I lasted quite a while and managed to destroy the keldon before being destroyed myself but I wasn't trying to hard. Let us know if you do it!. Instalation instrections vary due to different versions of modpacker being used, but here's what you do on most of them: 1) put the data and scripts folders into your BC direcotry and overwrite. 2) if your card cannot handel a high res texture, repalce with the low res from the low res folder. 3) go to new ships screen in mod packer, select MPneghvar from your list and add it. 4) have fun!