New Borg and Player AI by: Resistance is Futile v0.2 Changes from v0.1: Player AI now fires torpedos at the target. Previous version fired phasers only. **You must take extra care when trying to disable targets from this point on. Make use of the Low Power setting and the Phasers Only option where using torpedos would be too dangerous. Felix will no longer do these things for you when you give him the order to Disable the target.** Credits: All python files included have been modified by Resistance is Futile with the exception of the BasicAttack AI, who's original creator is unknown. Description: As seen in the previous release of the "Sample AI Video," this mod will allow Borg vessels (preferably Cubes) to attack multiple targets at the same time while moving, not stationary like a starbase. While these scripts preform similar to that of a starbase, its not exactly the same, but nevertheless, will leave plenty of your ships disabled or destoryed. With that being said, the AI is only as good as the ship it is controlling. Meaning, for you to truely enjoy this mod, you must have Cannon "BALANCED" ships in your game. See the "Sample AI Video" for what I mean when I say balanced ships. As an added bonus, for those of you out there who are like me, as one who enjoys the bridge view, I've included a new player AI file which was also first seen in action in the "Sample AI Video." It was created to combat the new Borg AI as the default Player AI could never last longer than the first few minutes of battle without being destoryed. The Player AI will now target ship's best possible subsystems to disable before destorying. It will also try keep a "good distance" between target to minimize damage being received from target. And finaly, unless the Player AI is "lining up forward torpedos," it will evade incoming fire from the target automatically while still attacking the target until it is out of range. Requirments and Recommendations: None. But I always recommend that you have QuickBattle Replacement v2.3 for the numerous ways to create missions. Installation: I recommend that you unzip this file into its own folder. First and Foremost, take the time to view the contents in this file, as they WILL replace at least four files in your bridge commander folder. You will need to make a back-up of any file that you do not want to lose because of overwrite. There are two subfolders included for you to choose which files you should install. Just select which folder you wish to install, then copy and paste the scipts (and Bridge folder if you are installing the new Player AI) folder into your bridge commander root directory. Start game and enjoy your battles against the Borg. Instructions for using Player AI: This new Player AI will only work when you give Felix the orders to Destory. Maneuvers and Tactics must both be set to "At Will." Felix will target the best possible subsystem at all times. Use the "Phasers Only" option from Tactical when you want to conserve your torpedos and/or maintain the best distance between the target. I find that useful when trying to make repairs without really runing from the fight. Also, when attacking the same target over an extended period of time, you will have to reset the AI simply just by toggling on/off (or vise versa) the "Target At Will" button from Tactical so that Felix will continue to rotate to the best possible subsystem target, and not just attack the same one. Futhermore, if you have more than one enemy target, then I suggest that you choose the target yourself and attack one at a time for now. If the option "Target At Will" is selected, then Felix may try to constantly choose different targets. This is another feature that I am working on, but is not yet complete. Bugs: None Legal Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. I need not say more.