c2x Stars'n'Shields v2 May 2004 * What does it do? This is an update of c2x Stars'n'shields mod v1, It now includes 5 different shield types Canon TNG Warp streaks for NanoFX v2.0 BETA (with permission), New Tractor Beam texture, canon starfield texture (to the show) and ive scripted in all of the stock systems into NanoFX 2.0 so now instead of warping to only 3 systems in QB, you can now warp to all of the stock systems * What shield textures are in the mod? Canon Voyager (both version) Lite and Heavy Static Versions Canon Early TNG Shield Texture Canon'ish Generations Shield Texture The Origional c2x Shield Texture from V1 of this mod Credits: Textures: c2x Scripting: Nanobyte and c2x Testing: Blackrook 32 and Nanobyte Special Thanks to Nanobyte for letting me release some modded scripts and Textures of NanoFX v2.0 BETA Also thanks to Blackrook32 for helping me get the warp streaks as close to canon as possible Enjoy The Mod More To Come... c2x