P$YCH0's Excelsior pack v1.0 Ships: USS Excelsior (TMP) USS Enterprise B (TMP) USS Repulse (TNG) USS Lakota (TNG) USS Repulse Refit (DOMINION WARS) USS Lakota Refit (DOMINION WARS) Credits: Original meshes and textures by P81 aka Rick Knoxx Texture enhancements by GAFY Registries: F9thDaihak (ENT B), Firesaber (Excelsior), Chris Jones (Lakota and Repulse). Additional texture modifing by me (P$YCH0) Specular maps: by me (P$YCH0) HP's: heavy modifications of original Starforce2 HP's by me (P$YCH0) Phasers: Durandal Torpedoes: Durandal Photon and Quantum, Zambie Zan's ST6 torpedo Special thanks: JTK for support and ideas and my friend Adonis for beta testing! Ship descriptions USS Excelsior TMP ballanced ship USS Enterprise B TMP ballanced ship Stronger than the USS Excelsior in phaser power and Hull, Shields, Impulse engine power USS Repulse TNG Era ballanced ship with burst phasers and photon torpedoes. USS Lakota TNG Era ballanced ship with slower phasers and photon torpedoes. Faster and more manouverable than the USS Repulse. USS Repulse Refit Dominion Wars Era ballanced ship with stronger burst phasers, photon, quantum torpedoes, and ablative armour. USS Lakota Refit Dominion Wars Era ballanced ship with photon, quantum torpedoes and ablative armour. Faster and more manouverable than USS Repulse. Installation: Copy all of the folders from "P$YCH0's Excelsior Pack" folder(data, scripts, sfx) into your Bridge Commander folder (usually C:/Program Files/Activision/Bridge Commander) Overwrite when asked Then install FoundationTech by copying the "scripts" folder(from foundationtech20051126.zip) to your Bridge Commander installation and Overwrite when asked Note that the torpedoes were modified(damage reduced) and they have been renamed because I did not want to distrupt the ballance of other people's BC intallations so your originals will not be overwritten ;) Requirements: Bridge Commander with 1.1 patch NanoFxv2 (blinking lights) Mleo's SubMenu mod (http://bridgecommander.filefront.com/file/SubMenu_Mod;27960) FoundationTech(included, along with it's documentation ;)) Bugs: None that I have come across! Legal stuff: If you wish to use any part of this ship pack for any mod or a different game please contact the authors for permission! Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Bridge Commander, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager (and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions. Oh and I almost forgot: ENJOY ;) Any problems, questions, suggestions, etc... e-mail me or post at BCUniverse P$YCH0/PSYCH0_SCG psycho063@gmail.com