ReadMe: Version V0.96 01.10.09 This little Script allows you select your QuickBattle Startship and StartBridge from MainMenu. The main purpose of this is to let you play your fav Race, Ship, and Bridge in GC v2's WarSimulator - as it is advised by USS Frontier to not start a QBGame Author: KrrKs/ Defiant Credits: Defiant: Save Function and zzzShipReplacement Installation: Drag and drop everything into your BC directory -Maybe you have to delete zzzShipReplacement.PYC in "scripts/Custom/Autoload" and an old Version of QBStartShipSelector.PYC in "scripts/Custom/UnifiedMainMenu/ConfigModules/Options" for the new to work Requirements: Foundation( which you should have anyway) included in BCUT -BCUT:;102381 or here: MLeos UMM: UMM:;56343 -Both are Included in KM No Requirement but recommended: GC v2:;102501 Bugs: For Bridge changes to take place you have to select a different Startship also Special Thanks to: MLeo for UMM and pointing me in the right direction with FoundationMenu, preventing many crashes ;) Defiant for the save Feature and zzzShipReplacement If you find any Bugs, please send me an Email, but don't expect fast reactions Emai: krrks at Changelog: -V0.95: Found a Bug to not get the Selected Bridge in QB due to List Rearangement in FoundationMenu - Fixed Defiant added a Save Featur - included Another if, In the unlikely case you want to include this mod in yours for some reason - just do so