Sneaker98's Core Ejection [General Informations:] Name: Core Ejection Filename: Version: 1.0 Date: September 27, 2003 Author: Sneaker98, models by: tim_scott_2000, Tooie32 E-mail: [Details] Scripts: All by me, sneaker98 Models: Galaxy and intrepid core: tim_scott_2000, sovereign core: Tooie32 [Installation] Unzip the files into the Bridge Commander folder. [Credits] Sneaker98: I was alone on the scripting as always, with a few moments of using Nanobyte's NanoFx code. [Thanks] To Nanobyte for beta-testing and some code for using NanoFx, and to my modellers who have done awesome jobs on the cores! [How To Use This Mod] When you run Bridge Commander, turn on the "Sneaker98 Core Ejection" mutator button. If you have Mvam installed it will be called "Sneaker98 Core Ejection & Mvam". Then, when in QuickBattle, press the Eject Core button in Saffi's meny to dump your warp core! Blowing it up will result in a massive shockwave (provided u have NanoFX), or you can retrieve it using a tractor beam. Enjoy! [Other Notes] Okay guys, here's the deal: a fix to the mvam is included to this. If you have mvam installed, it'll fix it up nice. If not, dont worry its okay. If you do install the mvam overtop of the mod, reinstall this mod. I've designed this mod to function with the mvam, not the other way around. Capice? Good! [Copyright] THIS MODEL(S) IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY Activision TM & (C) INTERPLAY & PARAMOUNT PICTURES. Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager and related properties are Registered Trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. All original designs are copyright © Paramount Pictures. No infringement of Paramount's copyrights is intended. [Distribution] All files in this zip are for personal use only and cannot be bought or sold. They also cannot be modified without author's permission. They can be uploaded in any site but credits MUST be given.